Discord Rules

We expect all members to adhere to the following rules while using our Discord server.

1. Be excellent to each other.

[Purposefully inflammatory comments, harassing other community members (ie repeatedly pinging), or clogging up channels (ie spamming images or GIFs) are all breaks of this.]

2. Keep NSFW content out of general channels. NSFW-allowed chats are marked as such.

You can refer to adult matters in chat, but just make sure that it isn't obviously lewd.

Guideline: only post what you'd be comfortable reading with someone else looking at your screen.

3. Sexist, racist, and other kinds of bigoted comments aren't accepted in this community.

3a. Discussing these things in the context of the Fallout setting is fine (ie, sexism in Caesar's Legion against women)

4. Don't reveal a character's player without permission

If you need to know for sure and they are not around to grant permission, it's your responsibility to utilize the search function to discern if they have revealed themselves in the past.

5. Don't dox yourself or others

This is just a headache for everyone involved.

Oxford dictionary defines "doxxing" as:

To search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.
"hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"

Consequences of failing to abide by these rules may result in temporary suspension or permanent removal from the community discord and/or the server itself.

Server Rules

When playing on our server, it's important to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. Here are the rules to follow:

1. Remain in-character at all times

If you need to speak oocly, we prefer if you use tells. If you need to make a spelling correction or note something to a group of people, it's not a big issue- just please denote your OOC. //, (( and OOC: are all fairly standard forms of denoting OOC.

2. Be excellent to each other

Yes, this is a real rule here too. Treat your fellow human with respect, DM or Player. There are no exceptions to this rule, we expect all players to be respectful to one another, no matter the situation.

3. No God-Modding

This means you can't have your character be able to just anything with no limits or boundaries. Be aware of your abilities, and don't fabricate things just to win a scenario or make yourself seem more interesting. You're beautiful the way you are!

4. Build a background

ALL players are encouraged to build a background for their characters, such as what they were doing before they were abducted or otherwise forced to become Test Subjects. You are also encouraged to show this in a discord-side character biography. Players who complete a biography are eligible for considerable bonuses in-game such as exp bonuses and faction-oriented opportunities.

5. Party chat is out of character

Party chat is out of character- nothing said in this place can be used as IC information unless it is environmental and to be utilized to save time and space in describing a scenario. We only ask that you do not break other rules while utilizing this feature.

6. No Muling

Muling is transferring equipment from one of your characters to another- and it is a bannable offense. If a player sees muling or dead-dropping like this, tell a DM. Muling is when someone else holds the items for one character, and then conveniently no longer wishes to hold onto it, and gives it to the player's new character.

7. No Metagaming

This means using OOC information to grant your IC character knowledge that they wouldn't otherwise have. This is a pretty basic RP server rule.

8. Treat the request of a staff member with utmost respect

We only ask things of you that are beneficial to you and the playerbase at large. Cooperate with us, and we can create a healthy home for our RP experience.

9. ERP is allowed, but...

Otherwise known as erotic roleplay, ERP is only allowed in private environments (preferably in tells). All ERP must abide local laws, and be entirely consenting in and out of character. All involved parties must be 18 or older in and out of game. 

10. Characters must be human! But...

Currently, you can apply to play a Ghoul or Super-Mutant. The former will be opened up for free play at a later date.

11. Use common sense

We have to have it, because some people don't seem to understand. If you think you shouldn't be doing it, then probably shouldn't be doing it.

12. No Harassment

The definition of harassment is.. illegal behaviour towards a person that causes mental or emotional suffering, which includes repeated unwanted contacts without a reasonable purposeinsultsthreatstouching, or offensive language.

Click on the links above to find ample examples of harassment. 

To put it simply, you may not stalk, pester, or otherwise bully other players OOCly in any scenario, for any reason.

13. Pejoratives must be setting-appropriate

Profanity is permitted, but pejoratives concerning an individual's OOC identity are prohibited when utilized in a derogatory fashionThese are words that cause psychological and affective disturbances OOC and carry repercussions on the victim's identity. This only applies when regarding targeted, vulnerable and communal groups in the real world. 

13- Words unassociated with real life targeted/vulnerable/community demographics are acceptable. ex. smoothskin, zombie, mutie, mungo 

13- Minority and majority groups in these categories are both similarly protected. These groups may not be targeted with pejoratives even if you are a part of this demographic. 

13c - Words that have been subject to pejoration are allowed when utilized in their original form prior to being used as a slur. For example, to call oneself "Gay" or to say something is "Gay" in the original use of the word (happy) is acceptable. To use it in a derogatory form in any way is prohibited. 

-Derogatory intent is not determined by personal feelings but by the diction and use of the word. Screenshots and logs will be utilized to determine this. If it's ambiguous, we advise avoiding it where you can. What is a targeted group? What kind of communities are protected? 

Targeted, Vulnerable Groups 

Targeted and vulnerable groups include any race, ethnicity, religion or sexuality regardless of if it is a minor or majority group- if it exists in the real world, don't use slurs concerning it

Infraction Severity: Temp or Perma Ban. 


This includes political, occupational or any other kind of community existing in the real world that is subject to discrimination. A good word to describe what we prohibit is real life xenophobia

Infraction Severity: Warning - To call an anime fan a derogatory term is just as prohibited as calling a partisan individual a derogatory term. - If this group exists in the setting, pejoratives are allowed if they do not also apply to real life targeted and vulnerable groups

If you have any questions, or generally have to tell a DM something (Like witnessing any cheating by a player or DM), use the DM channel if it's a player. If it's a DM, contact a member of the Board of Directors (Administrators or the Server Owner traditionally)

Player Versus Player

When you die, you drop many of your things. When you die in PVP, you only drop a certain amount of gear.

Raiders are incentivised toward PVP, however you can avoid this by abiding their demands.

1. A player must have VALID reasoning for PVP

If it isn't absolutely necessary, you shouldn't be engaging in it unless you are a Raider.

2. You MUST escalate before engaging in PVP

Valid forms of escalation include:

-2a. Using the 'dislike' feature on the enemy and waiting 120 seconds before attacking. If a player is found to be logging out or using this knowledge In-Character in any way apart from an OOC preparation, contact staff and report abuse of PVP rule 2A with screenshot or video proof.
-2b. Warning via OOC means that an attack is pending. A player must give an affirmative response, and 6 seconds must pass before you attack.
-2c. Warning via IC means that an attack is pending, then waiting 12 seconds. A player must make it absolutely CRYSTAL clear that an attack is coming. (Ex. Raising/Aiming gun and turning the safety off, unsheathing sword, yelling 'I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU RIGHT THE FUCK NOW MAN.', or similar] 
-2d. Utilizing the Subdual Mode widget on the enemy player. This will enforce one of the above rules mechanically depending on your choice.

3. Raiders can only make demand of a particular player character once per IRL day. Normal players must wait one IRL week between demands.

3a. A Normal player may ask for up to two items and five hundred caps.
3b. A Raider may ask for up to four items and a thousand caps.

A player who cannot abide this must either utilize the Subdual widget to drop a random 4 items and all their caps, or fight for it. If the widget is used, the aggressor party must accept it and de-escalate the conflict.

4. PVP between two entities may only occur once per IRL day

If one side is shown to be abusing this rule and goading the other, this rule is lifted for the party being aggressed on.

5. Repeated PVP targeting should be OOCly agreed upon between players

If OOCly agreed upon, rule 4 can be negated. If it is not agreed upon, report the player who aggresses more than twice without permission to the staff, and they will be handled accordingly. 

Failure to comply with these rules may result in temporary suspension or banning from the server. With most infractions, we tend to give up to 3 warnings before punishing players, however the more severe the infraction, the more likely we are to forego this 3-strike system in favor of an immediate suspension.

Character Creation Rules

When creating characters in the game, it's important to maintain immersion and balance. The following rules apply:

1. Do not create overpowered or unrealistic characters

See the god-modding rule for more.

2. Respect the game's lore and setting in your character's backstory.

We expect you to understand Fallout to a nominal degree. Most of the relevant lore for the server is posted on this very website!

3. Make a character that fits the game world in 2250!

That means nothing to do with events or factions that exist after the year 2250. Simply check up on our lore or look it up on the Fallout wiki to be sure if you're abiding this rule. If it makes sense for Fallout 2, it probably works here!

4. All characters must be 18 or older

This is absolutely necessary. If your character is at any point, even as a lie, stated to be under 18 in-character or out-of-character, you will be penalised considerably.

5. Character's SPECIAL stats must reflect their description and behaviour

You cannot play a super-genius with low intelligence. Here is a simple comparison that can be used to understand stats in regards to Fallout.

  • 8 = 1
  • 10 = 3
  • 12 = 5
  • 14 = 7
  • 16 = 9
  • 18 = 10

More than 18 in a stat can be considered another +1 per 2 of said stat.

Failure to adhere to character creation rules may result in being asked to adjust your character or even being prohibited from playing.

If you have any questions or comments concerning the above rules, please feel free to bring it up with any of our staff members.

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